The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA), is participating in an Interreg Europe project called WINPOL – Waste Management Intelligent Systems and Policies. This project aims to improve policies for waste management through the use of intelligent equipment and systems for waste disposal and collection. This will in turn contribute to waste minimisation through improved management procedures and awareness campaigns.
Current technology and innovation in the waste sector allow container-systems to provide information to waste collectors, at real-time, about various parameters including their remaining available capacity and temperature. These Smart bins may be solar-powered and can even compact waste to allow for an increased amount of waste to be collected while eliminating odours. Such ICT-based solutions can be used to analyse usage trends and identify critical groups of waste producers. Information from these bins will be used to improve national policies and increase the efficiency in which the way waste is managed for the public and waste managers.
The knowledge acquired from this project will help Malta achieve both National and EU Waste Targets, improve recyclable waste collection, reduce waste going to landfill and enhance the sustainability of the waste management sector.
WINPOL is led by EMULSA (Municipal Company of Urban Environment Services of Gijón) and involves a partnership of nine European waste management entities from different regions in Spain, Belgium, Greece (Crete), Slovenia, Romania and Malta. This project brings together cities and regions with experience in smart waste management equipment, and those planning to introduce them to share knowledge.
The first project meeting was held in September in Gijon, Spain, which kicked-off the activities related to the project. During this meeting, ERA representatives had the opportunity to meet with the other partners and witness first-hand the intelligent equipment used in Gijon.
The project runs from June 2018 to December 2022, and has a total budget of €1,363,045, of which ERA’s share is €90,967. The project is part-financed by the Interreg Europe 2014-2020 programme at a rate of 85%.
The project officially launched in Malta on Monday 17 December at the Student House Conference Room (SHCR), University of Malta, from 08:30 to 11:00.
Anyone interested in the project can attend the WINPOL information day or contact ERA on [email protected].
For more information:
Phone (+356) 2292 3500
Email [email protected]
The WINPOL project – Waste Management Intelligent Systems and Policies – aims to foster and promote the use of intelligent equipment and planning derived from it, through improved waste management policies, thus contributing to waste minimisation in European cities and regions. Find out more information about the project on www.interregeur