The Environmental Resources Authority (ERA), which was recently set up as part of the Government’s plan to demerge Mepa, marked the occasion of Earth Day (22nd April). This was a great opportunity for ERA to provide information on the new Authority. Sixth-form students had the chance to get to know more about the EU funded projects administrated by ERA, including Life BaĦAR and Life+ Project Migrate, as well as EU’s wide Natura 2000 network of protected areas. Those who visited ERA’s stand were keen to know and understand more fully the Authority’s work, as representatives from ERA answered questions and queries put forward by the students. During the same event, experts from ERA held a talk on trade in endangered species.

This event was organised at the Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School in Naxxar by the Department of Environmental Science & the Green Committee at GCHSS in collaboration with the Directorate of Curriculum Management (MEDE). Representatives from ERA joined other NGO’s and entities from the University of Malta as they hosted stands and exhibited interesting information about the education for sustainable development.