The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) shall be appealing the PA decision taken in connection with PA 1191/05 (Townsquare High Rise Project). The Board considers that it has sufficient legal and substantive arguments to appeal this case. Further details will be issued following the submission of the appeal.

While ERA has concerns about PA 0581/16 (Mriehel High Rise Project), it believes that an appeal is not the most appropriate tool to address these concerns. ERA shall be taking alternative measures to ensure that such concerns are presented at the right fora, for the best possible outcome.

In the meantime, ERA would like to state that it is not in principle against high rise buildings, as long as these developments take into full account the principles of sustainability. Nonetheless ERA will also be taking other initiatives, including the submission of formal recommendations to Government, to ensure that such high rise developments will be assessed within an improved comprehensive planning and environmental framework.

These decisions were taken today (12th September 2016), at ERA’s Board meeting.