The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) has organised an online event during which a number of participants from Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were invited to discuss current technologies and systems within the waste sector. These participants were also invited to identify key technologies, worth capitalising, that can assist in improving waste management policies in Malta.
This was ERA’s third event out of four, as part of the Interreg Europe Project called WINPOL (Waste Management Intelligent Systems and Policies). Interreg is a series of programmes to stimulate cooperation between regions in the European Union, funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
As Malta’s main regulator on environmental matters, ERA always has to be one-step ahead in a field that is constantly changing. The primary aim of this particular project is to improve waste management policies so that they progressively support and promote the use of smart technologies and intelligent equipment, for more resource-efficient waste disposal and collection systems. The waste management industry is evolving towards the remodelling of waste handling and disposal systems for greater efficiency and increased environmental protection.
The attendees were provided with an overview about WINPOL and briefed on current intelligent waste management equipment being set up in partner regions in the EU. In addition, a guest speaker from the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs was present to provide information, including references to guidelines and instructions, on investment funds and scheme opportunities available in Malta, particularly the ERDF grant schemes. The Authority believes that SMEs have a very important role to play in protecting the environment, and although going green may seem expensive at first, in the longer term, it can certainly boost their business by rendering it more efficient, increase their business credibility, their competitiveness in their respective sectors as well as generate new markets.
Following the event, ERA received positive feedback from various participants, with some also expressing their interest in collaborating with ERA in the near future, specifically targeting the waste sector.
The last event for WINPOL will be reaching the public sector responsible for waste management in Malta.
For more information:
Phone (+356) 2292 3500
Email [email protected]
The WINPOL project – Waste Management Intelligent Systems and Policies – aims to foster and promote the use of intelligent equipment and planning derived from it, through improved waste management policies, thus contributing to waste minimisation in European cities and regions. Find out more information about the project on
21 November 2020