The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA), is participating in an Interreg Europe project bearing the name WINPOL – Waste Management Intelligent Systems and Policies. This project aims to improve policies for waste management so that they increasingly foster and promote the use of intelligent equipment and systems for waste disposal and collection, to contribute to waste minimisation in European cities and regions, through improved management procedures and awareness campaigns.

WINPOL is led by EMULSA (Municipal Company of Urban Environment Services of Gijón) and involves a partnership of 9 European waste management entities from different regions in Spain, Belgium, Greece (Crete), Slovenia, and Romania. The project involves a strong knowledge-sharing component, bringing together cities and regions with experience in smart waste management equipment, and cities and regions planning to introduce them in the mid-term. It will run for 54 months from June 2018 to December 2022, and has a total budget of €1,363,045, of which ERA’s share is €90,967. The project is part-financed by the Interreg Europe 2014-2020 programme at a rate of 85%.

The ERA has already organised the first out of four Target Communication Events, during which a number of eNGOs and organisations were invited to represent civil society. The attendees were provided with an overview of the project and the current intelligent waste management equipment which has already been implemented in partner regions. Current technology and innovation in the waste sector allow container-systems to provide information in real-time, about various parameters including their remaining available capacity to waste collectors; and temperature, amongst others. Such systems are linked to ICT-based solutions which can be used to analyse usage trends, and identify critical groups of waste producers.

Participants highlighted that implementing a legal framework targeting municipal waste through intelligent waste storage units, within new development areas is important to tackle waste separation at source. The Earth Systems Association put forward the notion of underground waste storage units, and indicated that it could be ideal for the local scenario given the limited space available within urban areas.

Furthermore, the attendees emphasised the importance of awareness-raising campaigns for the proper functioning of smart technologies in waste management. In fact, EcoGozo has organised sessions, whereby activities targeting waste separation were organised for children on blue-flagged beaches in Gozo, providing rewards as an incentive to participate. Ultimately, participants identified the main issues within the sector, particularly the generation of food waste in large quantities and the concerning amounts of single-use plastics being generated during concerts, festivals and village feasts. ERA believes that these discussions were rather fruitful and participants offered a number of valuable ideas, which may be incorporated into the Project Action Plan.

Future events will be targeting small and medium enterprises, experts in ICT, the research and innovation sector, and policy institutions. Should you fall within any of these target groups, and are interested in attending, kindly contact ERA on [email protected].

The ERA will be participating in the first thematic seminar focusing on the “Use of Information and Data in the Waste Field” to be held in Maribor Slovenia in mid-May.

For more information:

Phone (+356) 2292 3500

Email: [email protected]