The United Nations General Assembly has designated today, 7th September, as the International Day of Clean Air. To commemorate this important day, the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) would like to reiterate its commitment towards air quality around the Maltese islands and continue raising awareness on the importance of clean air.
ERA monitors air quality every day through a network of diffusion tubes around the Maltese islands and through near real time monitoring stations in specific locations – Żejtun, Attard, Msida and Għarb. Data gathered through this equipment shows that Malta experiences the same challenges as other Member States with road traffic being the main source of air pollution. The COVID19 pandemic was an extraordinary situation in terms of air quality – Msida station experienced a drop of 50% in nitrogen dioxide levels – a marker of emissions from road traffic.
In an effort to further increase awareness and instigate change, ERA has developed the “Malta’s National Air Pollution Control Programme” – a policy that focuses on traffic measures. This policy, which is intended for key stakeholders, including the citizens, encourages the use of sustainable mobility which is key to address the situation. ERA also engages in direct promotion of citizen science activities such as the “Fair with Air” initiative which addressed school children and included air monitoring activities in schools throughout the last scholastic year.
7 September 2020