
The existing air monitoring network which is operated and maintained by the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA), monitors the levels of a number of radionuclides in the air for the purpose of assuring protection for both human health and the environment. However, the network does not currently include monitoring of levels of the radionuclide Iodine-131. Albeit, the risk of airborne release from radioiodine from local sources in Malta is low, the presence of airborne Iodine-131 is a good indicator of nuclear emergencies with atmospheric releases. In the case of such emergencies, information on the levels of this contaminant is important for Malta’s emergency response and for providing information at an international level, thus aiding the governmental and regulatory framework for safety and security, whilst increasing the protection of human health and the environment.

The overall aim of the project is to strengthen the existing environmental monitoring capacities in Malta with the additional monitoring and measuring of radionuclide Iodine-131 in air, which will also fall under the responsibility of ERA.


To achieve such an aim a number of objectives can be defined:

  1. Procure automatic airborne radioiodine monitor for existing monitoring station
  2. Train personnel on the operation of the radioiodine monitor
  3. Perform instrument qualification and establish protocols and procedures

The envisaged results for this project include:

  1. Radioiodine monitor is purchased, installed and tested
  2. Technical staff at ERA including technicians and environmental officers are trained on the use of this monitor and procedures and protocols for use are established
  3. Annual data on the levels of radioiodine  will be available as part of radiological monitoring report for Malta

The project will start in 2022 and will be completed by 2023.


Project Details
PROJECT TITLE Monitoring of Gaseous Radioactive Iodine in the Air
DURATION 2 years