The Environment & Resources Authority (ERA) engages with the Planning Authority’s development application process through the environmental assessment mechanism. As part of this process, ERA seeks methods to avoid and reduce adverse environmental impacts and to integrate environmental considerations in development planning decisions and related follow-ups. Depending on the site context and the impacts associated with specific projects, ERA may request the submission of method statements for construction works, restoration and other related site interventions. These statements should be prepared in accordance with case-specific Terms of Reference (TORs) provided by ERA.

Construction works, environmental restoration and other site interventions should comply with ERA’s mandatory specifications and requirements (MSRs) to ensure that the execution of such works does not result in any adverse environmental impacts.

Without prejudice to the overall case merits, ERA has prepared specimen Terms of Reference (TORs) and MSRs which are intended as indicative guidelines to prospective clients, relevant public authorities, and the general public for the preparation of method statements and execution of construction works and related site interventions. The available specimen documents consist of:

These documents are generic and not necessarily tailor-made to particular projects or site contexts, therefore ERA may need to adapt these TORs and MSRs on a case-by-case basis, as relevant, depending on the nature of the project and associated environmental impacts. The documents and their ensuing requirements are also subject to future changes that may arise, even at short notice or whilst the assessment process is ongoing, for various reasons, including force majeure (such as changes to legislation or similar regulatory parameters), changes to the baseline situation on site, amendments to the project, new information about the specific project or site, etc. Any use of these documents is on the explicit understanding that the actual TORs and MSRs for the eventual projects are likely to vary from the specimen version hereby provided.