Start date: 25 September 2018
Closing date: 23 October 2018
Title of the public consultation: Malta’s Proposed Green Infrastructure Information Document
Ministry: MESDC
Entity: Environment & Resources Authority
1. Background
In terms of Article 51 of the Environment Protection Act (Cap. 549), it is duly notified that the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) is preparing a document entitled “Investing in the Multi-functionality of Green Infrastructure (GI): An Information Document to support GI Thinking in Malta”, in line with the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) as adopted by the Government of Malta in terms of the same Act.
Measure EN4 of the NBSAP states that components for building a green infrastructure (as a holistic framework for resource planning and conservation) are to be strengthened to improve the ecological coherence of Natura 2000, via integration into the broader landscape, and hence to curb habitat fragmentation, improve adaptation to climate change and aid in integrated flood management.
Measure SI6 also notes the role and importance of the principles of integrated planning so as to devise measures to safeguard the wider countryside from urban sprawl, to support urban biodiversity and to contribute towards the EU priorities on a Green Infrastructure (GI).
The main objectives of the proposed GI Information Document are:
- to provide a concise and informative account of the concept of GI and promote and motivate additional initiatives at varying levels;
- to address what constitutes GI and its related benefits, with an overview of national policies that currently promote GI implementation in Malta;
- to explore EU funding instruments that include GI as an eligible priority for investment;
- to provide case examples of GI-related initiatives and projects of a local, national or transboundary nature;
- to assist in the development of a Green Infrastructure Action Plan for the Maltese Islands.
2. Consultation questions
The public is invited to submit any feedback or comments on the Information Document.
3. Documents
The proposed Information Document is available for public consultation at the following web link: An Information Document to Support GI Thinking in Malta.
4. Submission of feedback:
Feedback is to be sent to [email protected].
5. Further notes:
For further information: contact ERA on [email protected] or on 2292 3500.