Guidelines on Works involving Trees

​The Authority developed the Guidelines on Works involving Trees as a framework to follow when carrying out interventions which can potentially be damaging to trees, whether protected or not.

The document provides guidance on permits are required for certain interventions on trees and how to apply for them, exemptions to permits, how to register as a tree specialist and other sections on best practice when carrying out interventions on trees, including pruning and transplanting. The document also provides guidelines on compensatory planting in cases where trees are uprooted.

The general public is invited to submit written comments on how, in their opinion, the proposed ‘Trees and Woodlands Protection Regulations, 2018’ and the ‘Guidelines on Works involving Trees’ should be improved to protect and safeguard trees and woodlands in the Maltese Islands and regulate activities which have an affect thereon.

Please click here to view document. Feedback should be received through the following channels until Thursday, 1st March 2018.

Second Public Consultation

E-mail: [email protected] and / or

National Affairs
Environment & Resources Authority
Hexagon House,
Spencer Hill,
Marsa, MRS 1441