Start date: 26 July 2019
Closing date: 25 August 2019
Title of the public consultation: Establishment of the Park Nazzjonali tal-Inwadar (Amendment) Regulations, 2019
Ministry: Ministry for Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change
Entity: Environment & Resources Authority
1. Background

This Legal Notice is an amendment to the Establishment of the Park Nazzjonali tal-Inwadar Regulations (S.L. 549.109). Through these amendments, the Inwadar Park is now designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) of National Importance in line with the provisions of the Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations (S.L. 549.44).

These regulations were issued in exercise of the powers conferred by article 55(2) of the Environment Protection Act (Chapter 549) which enables the Minister to carry out public consultation after the promulgation of legislation which the Minister declares to be urgent.

2. Consultation

The public is invited to make submissions to ERA in line with articles 55(2) and 55(3) of the Environment Protection Act (Cap. 549).

3. Documents

Establishment of the Park Nazzjonali tal-Inwadar (Amendment) Regulations, 2019
Regolamenti tal-2019 li jemendaw ir-Regolamenti li Jistabbilixxu l-Park Nazzjonali tal-Inwadar

Principal Regulations
Establishment of the Park Nazzjonali tal-Inwadar Regulations (S.L. 549.109)
Regolamenti li jistabbilixxu l-Park Nazzjonali tal-Inwadar (L.S. 549.109)

4. Submission of feedback

E-mail: [email protected]

5. Further notes

Please be informed that comments submitted, together with the identity of the contributor, may be published online at the end of the public consultation, unless the contributor objects to the publication of his/her personal data. In this case, the contribution may be published in anonymous form.

All comments submitted shall be duly considered.