Start date: 27 July 2018
Closing date: 10 August 2018
Title of the public consultation: Malta’s Proposed National Action Plan on Desertification and Land Degradation
Ministry: MESDC
Entity: Environment & Resources Authority
1. Background

In terms of Article 51 of the Environment Protection Act (Cap. 549), it is duly notified that the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) is preparing a “National Action Plan on Desertification and Land Degradation in the Maltese Islands”, in line with the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) as adopted by the Government of Malta in terms of the same Act.

Measure NR2 of the NBSAP addresses the need for the sustainable use of natural resources, with reference to soil, water and land, adding that land uses are to be commensurate with the management of soil and by inference, water resources across the Maltese Islands. Such uses are also to contribute towards the requirements of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) to develop desertification NAPs.

The main objectives of the proposed National Action Plan are:

  • to develop long-term strategies to combat desertification, land degradation and the mitigation of the effects of drought, emphasising implementation;
  • to streamline and integrate the strategy with other policies, linked with biodiversity, climate change, soil, agriculture and land use, sustainable development and other relevant environmental policies;
  • to identify the factors contributing to desertification and practical measures necessary to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought;
  • to specify the respective roles of government, local communities and land users and related resource needs.
2. Consultation questions

The public is invited to submit any feedback or comments on the intent and
objectives of this National Action Plan.

3. Documents


4. Submission of feedback

E-mail: [email protected]

5. Further notes

The proposed Information Document will be available for public consultation in due course at the following web link.

For further information: contact ERA on [email protected] or on 2292 3500.