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Last amended: Wed., 16 August 2023

Order Details
Order Date:Fri., 11 August 2023
Order Status: Order Active.
Order type:Ordni ta' Waqfien u Konformità
Stop and Compliance Order
Location of Infringement:Barriera SG07, Tal-Misraħ, fil-limiti ta' San Lawrenz
Local Council:San Lawrenz
Infringement in Maltese (Official):Ksur tal-permess ambjentali, kif ukoll tar-regolamenti ambjentali li jkopru l-operat tal-barriera SG07, peress li għadd ta’ ‘Improvement Programme Items’ u kundizzjonijiet imposti fil-permess ma ġewx sottomessi jew imwettqa fiż-żmien speċifikat. Kien intalab ukoll li dawn in-nuqqasijiet jiġu rimedjati fl-aħħar rapporti ta’ spezzjonijiet iddatati 26 ta’ Ottubru 2021, 20 ta’ Lulju 2022 u 15 ta’ Settembru 2022. Dawn jikkonsistu f’li;
• Ma ddaħħalx pjan flimkien ma’ skeda ta’ implimentazzjoni ta’ żona xierqa għall-hażna ta’ vetturi mingħajr żejt li huma relatati mal-attivitajiet tal-barriera għall-iskop ta’ użu mill-ġdid tagħhom, u għall-ħażna ta’ skart ta’ partijiet mekkaniċi li jkun fihom żjut. Dan il-pjan kellu jiġi mplementat wara l-approvazzjoni tal-Awtoritá;
• Ma tbaxxewx il-munzelli b’tali mod li dan ma jaqbżux ix-xifer tal-barriera;
• Ma twettqux miżuri msemmija fid-Dokument Approvat EP 1069/21/DOC38A, biex jitnaqqsu t-trabijiet;
• Ma ġiex installat ‘power washing’;
• L-Awtoritá ma ngħatatx ir-‘rated thermal inputs’ tal-ġeneraturi li mhumiex elenkati fil-permess attwali.
Infringement Summary in English:In Breach of the environmental permit, as well as of the environmental regulations covering the operation of Quarry SG07, as a number of 'Improvement Program Items' and conditions imposed in the permit were not submitted or carried out within specific time. The last inspection reports dated 26 October 2021, 20 July 2022 and 15 September 2022 had also required that these shortcomings are rectified. These consist of;
• the plan together with an implementation schedule of a suitable area for the storage of oil-free vehicles that are related to quarry activities for the purpose of their reuse, and for the storage of waste of mechanical parts containing oils were not submitted. This plan had to be implemented after the approval of the Authority;
• The stockpiles have not been lowered in such a manner that they do not exceed the quarries edge;
• Measures mentioned in Approved Document EP 1069/21/DOC38A, to reduce dust were not carried out;
• Power washing has not been installed;
• The Authority was not given the generators 'rated thermal inputs' that are not listed in the current permit.
Corresponding Investigation Case/s:CRM2574/23
Parties subject to OrderKerċem Quarry Limited
Agius Mark
Portelli Joseph
Zammit Joseph
Zammit Verandu