The information below has been extracted from a digital record and is meant for general guidance. The Compliance & Enforcement Directorate of ERA disclaims any responsibility for any inaccuracies there may be on this site. If you wish to verify the correctness of any information, you are advised to send a request to: [email protected]. Furthermore, if there are any discrepancies between the information contained on this site and official printed communication, the latter prevails.
Last amended: Tue., 30 June 2020
Order Details | |
Order Date: | Tue., 31 July 2018 |
Order Status: | Order Complied with. Daily Fines pending. |
Order type: | Ordni ta' Waqfien u Konformità Stop and Compliance Order |
Location of Infringement: | Sit magħruf bħala “s-Salina” fi Triq is-Salini, in-Naxxar. |
Local Council: | In-Naxxar. |
Infringement in Maltese (Official): | Operazjoni jew attività f’ Żona Speċjali ta’ Konservazzjoni, mingħajr l-awtorizzazjoni tal-Awtorità għall-Ambjent u r-Riżorsi, liema attività tinkludi żamma ta’ papri, pullam u għasafar domestiċi simili, kif ukoll depożitu ta’ materjal u installazjonijiet relatati mat-trobbija tagħhom. Din l-attività hi meqjusa li qed tħalli impatt negattiv fuq il-bijodiversità taż- Żona Speċjali ta’ Konservazzjoni, u għaldaqstant hi bi ksur tar-Regolamenti dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Flora, Fawna u Ambjenti Naturali (L.S. 549.44). |
Infringement Summary in English: | Operations or activities within a Special Area of Conservation without authorization of the Environment and Resources Authority including the deposit of material and installations related to the ducks and other domesticated birds. |
Corresponding Investigation Case/s: | IF0411/18-N |
Parties subject to Order | Schembri Joseph Lands Authority Owner / Occupier |
Contravention type: | Unauthorized operations or activities in a Special Area of Conservation. |