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Last amended: Tue., 22 June 2021

Order Details
Order Date:Mon., 21 June 2021
Order Status: Order Active.
Order type:Ordni ta' Waqfien u Konformità
Stop and Compliance Order
Location of Infringement:Faċilità ta’ Smart Recycling Limited u d-dintorni, MRA 024B, Qasam Industrijali, Marsa.
Local Council:Il-Marsa.
Infringement in Maltese (Official):1. Ħażna ta’ skart li qegħdin jestendu lil hinn mis-Sit approvat fil-permess ambjentali u fejn hu pprojbit li jinħażen materjal; u
2. Nuqqas ta’ sottomessjoni taċ-ċertifikat tal-implementazzjoni tal-miżuri li kienu ġew irrakomandati fl-“Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment Report” datat 11 ta’ Dicembru 2015.
Infringement Summary in English:Storage of waste extended beyond the area approved in the environmental permit and where it is prohibited to store material; and not submitting the implementation certificate of the measures recommended in the Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment Report dated 11 December 2015.
Corresponding Investigation Case/s:IF0731/21-F
Parties subject to OrderSmart Recycling Ltd.
Indis Malta Limited
Lands Authority
Owner / Occupier
Contravention type:Unpermitted storage of waste.