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Last amended: Tue., 25 October 2022
Order Details | |
Order Date: | Wed., 28 September 2022 |
Order Status: | Order Active. |
Order type: | Ordni ta' Waqfien u Konformità Stop and Compliance Order |
Location of Infringement: | SM04, Sqaq ta' Sant'Agata, Tad-Debbiet, fil-limiti tas-Siġġiewi. |
Local Council: | Is-Siġġiewi. |
Infringement in Maltese (Official): | Ksur tal-permess ambjentali, kif ukoll tar-regolamenti ambjentali li jkopru l-operat tal-barriera SM04 peress li numru ta' 'Improvement programme items' u kundizzjonjijiet ma ġewx ssottomessi jew implementati fiż-żmien indikat fil-permess u kif ukoll kif intalab fl-aħħar rapporti ta' spezzjonijiet datati 29 ta' Settembru 2021 u 13 ta' Mejju 2022. Dan speċifikament billi: - Ma ġiex installat miżien; - Ma ġiex installat id-'dust spinkler' propost għal mal-perimetru kollu tas-sit kif indikat fid-Dokument Approvat EP 0002/21/DOC1; - Ma tbaxxewx l-għolijiet tal-munzelli b'tali mod li ma jaqbżux l-għoli tax-xifer tal-barriera; - Ma ġiex stallat 'power washer' kif indikat fid-Dokument Approvat EP 0002/21/DOC21. |
Infringement Summary in English: | Violation of the environmental permits, as well as the environmental regulations covering the operation of the SM04 quarry due to a number of Improvement Program items and conditions not having been submitted or implemented within the time indicated in the permit and also as requested in the latest inspection reports. This specifically by: - A scale weighbridge not having been installed; - The dust sprinkler proposed for the entire perimeter of the site was not installed; - The heights of the stockpiles were not lowered so that they do not exceed the height of the edge of the quarry; - A 'power washer' was not installed. |
Corresponding Investigation Case/s: | CRM1490/22 |
Parties subject to Order | Faceworks Limited Mallia Etienne Owner/Occupier |
Contravention type: | Breach of environmental permit conditions |
Appeal Details | |
Appeal Ref. No. | 00262/22 |
Information on appeals can be found in the Environment & Planning Review Tribunal website: click here |