The information below has been extracted from a digital record and is meant for general guidance. The Compliance & Enforcement Directorate of ERA disclaims any responsibility for any inaccuracies there may be on this site. If you wish to verify the correctness of any information, you are advised to send a request to: [email protected]. Furthermore, if there are any discrepancies between the information contained on this site and official printed communication, the latter prevails.
Last amended: Thur., 10 November 2022
Order Details | |
Order Date: | Mon., 07 November 2022 |
Order Status: | Order Active. |
Order type: | Ordni ta' Waqfien u Konformità Stop and Compliance Order |
Location of Infringement: | Trihills Heavy Industries Limited, Triq tal-Barrani, Ħal Għaxaq. |
Local Council: | Ħal Għaxaq. |
Infringement in Maltese (Official): | Ksur tal-kundizzjonijiet 1.2.3 u 1.5.1 (Referenza 5 & 6) tal-permess ambjentali EP0028/21, peress li l-pjan tal-eżekuzzjoni għall-implementazzjoni tal-‘hardstanding’ b’perjodi ta’ żmien aġġornati għat-tlestija tal-fażijiet B1, B2 u C u numru ta ‘Improvement programme items’ ma ġewx sottomessi jew implementati fiż-żmien indikat fil-permess. Dan speċifikament billi: 1) Ma ġiex sottomess pjan aġġornat tal-eżekuzzjoni għall-implementazzjoni tal-‘hardstanding’ għall-approvazzjoni ta’ l-Awtorità ; 2) Ma ġiex blukkata jew tneħħiet il-fossa; u 3) Ma ġiex installat il-pompa tan-nar u idranti tan-nar skont kif kienu approvati fil-permess ambjentali. |
Infringement Summary in English: | In breach of Environmental Permit conditions in EP0028/21 (Reference 5 & 6) and a number of ‘Improvements programme items’ were not submitted or implemented in the time frame as indicated in the permit. |
Corresponding Investigation Case/s: | CRM01690/22 |
Parties subject to Order | TriHills Heavy Industries Limited Owner/Occupier |