The information below has been extracted from a digital record and is meant for general guidance. The Compliance & Enforcement Directorate of ERA disclaims any responsibility for any inaccuracies there may be on this site. If you wish to verify the correctness of any information, you are advised to send a request to: [email protected]. Furthermore, if there are any discrepancies between the information contained on this site and official printed communication, the latter prevails.
Last amended: Tue., 01 February 2022
Order Details | |
Order Date: | Fri., 30 October 2020 |
Order Status: | Order Closed. Daily Fines pending. |
Fine Paid/Settled: | €400 |
Fine paid status: | Partially Paid. |
Order type: | Ordni ta' Waqfien u Konformità Stop and Compliance Order |
Location of Infringement: | Metalco Ltd, 48 Scrap Lane, Valletta Road, Luqa. |
Local Council: | Ħal Luqa. |
Infringement in Maltese (Official): | Hemm ksur tar-regolamentazzjoni ambjentali u tal-permessi li jkopru l-operat ta ’ Metalco Ltd., peress li: i. Materjal u/jew skart inkluż u mhux limitat għal tagħmir elettriku u elettroniku, radjaturi, ‘textiles’, ħadid, lasktu imqatta, wajers u muturi elettriċi, li mhux qiegħed jinħażen fil-post approvat ġewwa s-sit; ii. Skart li ġie ġġenerat minn żarmar ta’ tagħmir elettriku u elettroniku li mhux separat u maħżun b’mod adegwat u fil-postijiet approvati li għandhom ikunu immarkati; iii. Numru ta’ ‘Improvement programme items’ ma ġewx sottommessi fiż-żmien u kif kien stabbilit fil-permess – dawn jirrigwardaw aspetti relatati ma’ monitoring strategy u baseline report, noise monitoring survey, air monitoring programme, sewer discharge permit, outline decomissioning plan; iv. Tankijiet u/jew kontenituri ta’ skart likwidu kif ukoll żjut li mhux qegħdin jinħażnu fuq sistema ta’ ‘bunding’ adegwata; |
Infringement Summary in English: | Breach of environmental regulations and permits which covers the operations by Metalco Ltd., due to; 1. Material and waste, including but not limited to electrical and electronic equipment, radiators, textiles, metals, shredded rubber, wire and electric motors, which are not being stored in the approved area within the site; 2. Waste generated from dismantling of electrical and electronic waste which is not separated or stored adequately in approved areas which should be marked; 3. A number of Improvement Programme items were not submitted in time and in the manner prescribed in the permit – these regard aspects related to monitoring strategy and baseline report, noise monitoring survey, air monitoring programme, sewer discharge permit, outline decommissioning plan; 4. Tanks and/or containers of liquid waste as well as oils that are not being stored on an adequate bunding system. |
Corresponding Investigation Case/s: | IF1466/20-F |
Parties subject to Order | Metalco Limited Owner / Occupier |
Contravention type: | Unauthorized activity in breach of environmental regulation. |