
The information below has been extracted from a digital record and is meant for general guidance.  The Compliance & Enforcement Directorate of ERA disclaims any responsibility for any inaccuracies there may be on this site.  If you wish to verify the correctness of any information, you are advised to send a request to: [email protected].  Furthermore, if there are any discrepancies between the information contained on this site and official printed communication, the latter prevails.

Last amended: Mon., 24 April 2023

Order Details
Order Date:Thur., 23 May 2019
Order Status: Order Closed. Daily Fines paid.
Fine Paid/Settled:€140
Fine paid status:Fully paid.
Order type:Ordni ta' Waqfien u Konformità
Stop and Compliance Order
Location of Infringement:Il-Wied tal-Qlejgħa, ir-Rabat bejn iż-żoni magħrufa bħala tas-Salib fil-Punent u ta’ Mazzara u ta’ is-Sandar fil-Lvant.
Local Council:Ir-Rabat.
Infringement in Maltese (Official):Nuqqas ta’ konformità mal-kundizzjonijiet tal-permess NP0380/18 inkluż kundizzjonijiet 5, 6 u 9 rigward twettiq ta’ xogħlijiet mhux fid-data indikata fl-avviż mogħti lill-Awtorita’, nuqqas ta’ preżenza ta’ ecological monitor fil-ħin kollu waqt li kienu qed isiru x-xogħlijiet u użu ta’ mezzi ta’ trasport mekkanizzat u apparat mekkaniku u sewqan, parkeġġ jew manuvrar ta’ vetturi fis-sit protett għal skop ieħor li mhux ta’ dredging ta’ qiegħ il-wied.
Infringement Summary in English:Failure to comply with permit NP0380/18 conditions with regards to works not on the date specified to the Authority, the lack of presence of an ecological monitor during the time when works were ongoing and the use of mechanical transport and equipment as well as the driving, parking and maneuvering of vehicles within the protected site for reasons other than dredging of the valley bed.
Corresponding Investigation Case/s:IF0525/19-N
Parties subject to OrderThe Energy & Water Agency
Bonnici Bros. Limited
Lands Authority
Owner / Occupier