Public Consultation – National Strategy for Preventing and Mitigating the Impact of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in the Maltese Islands & National Sector-Specific Codes of Good Practice in relation to IAS in the Maltese Islands

Start date: 5 December 2018
Closing date: 23 January 2019
Title of the public consultation: Public Consultation: National Strategy for Preventing and Mitigating the Impact of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in the Maltese Islands & National Sector-Specific Codes of Good Practice in relation to Invasive Alien Species in the Maltese Islands
Ministry: MESDC
Entity: Environment & Resources Authority
1. Background

In terms of Article 51 of the Environment Protection Act (Cap. 549), it is duly notified that the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) has prepared this National Strategy and these Codes of Good Practice, in line with the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and in line with the requirements of the same Act.

This Strategy and accompanying National Codes of Good Practice (drawn up in tandem with the strategy but as separate documents) have been designed for use by all those stakeholders involved in the regulation, movement and use of, as well as management of, alien species in the Maltese Islands. This Strategy and accompanying National Codes of Good Practice fulfil the requirements of Malta’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP, 2012-2020; Measures BI1 to BI4).

The Strategy and its recommendations will create the impetus needed to achieve the national target that: ‘By 2020, measures are in place to prevent, in so far as practical, the introduction and establishment of new invasive non-native species, while those that are established are identified and prioritised for eradication or control, where feasible’. This requires a cross-sectoral approach to tackle IAS by identifying all sectoral stakeholders, raising their awareness and motivating them to contribute to the prevention, early detection and control of invasive alien species. Collective action will contribute towards the achievement of goals to combat invasive alien species for the benefit of all.

Additionally the National Codes of Good Practice, have been designed for use by all those stakeholders involved in the regulation, movement and use of, as well as management of, alien species in the Maltese Islands.

These Codes of Good Practice:

  • raise awareness and promote good practice to curb the risks associated with introducing and using alien species that exhibit an invasive potential;
  • put forward a series of recommendations based on the principle of self-regulation, tailored to particular sectors;
  • provide practical and concise guidance in establishing common standards of good practice and responsible attitudes and behaviours when using alien species in that sector;
  • complement national legislation and support the implementation of the proposed National Strategy on Invasive Alien Species.​
2. Consultation questions

The public is invited to submit any feedback or comments on this National Strategy and accompanying National Codes of Good Practice.

3. Documents
4. Submission of feedback:

By E-mail to: [email protected].

5. Further notes:

For further information: contact ERA on [email protected] or on 2292 3500​​​