All permits are available from this link or by logging into ERIS (for 2021/22 cases)

Decisions taken by the ERA Board in its sitting of 23/09/2022 

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 0107/20/V3exSM22 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationImqabbaGranted23/09/2022
EP 0115/20/V1HG12 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationQalaGranted23/09/2022
EP 0070/19/V1HM19 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligation?urrieqGranted23/09/2022
EP 0058/19/V3HM28 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationNaxxarGranted23/09/2022
EP 0097/20/V1HM33 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationSiggiewiGranted23/09/2022
EP 0020/09/D/V2HM35 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationDingliGranted23/09/2022
EP 0114/20/V1SG02 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationSan LawrenzGranted23/09/2022
EP 0128/20/V1SG03 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationSan LawrenzGranted23/09/2022
EP 1093/20/V1SG06 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationSan LawrenzGranted23/09/2022
EP 1069/21/V1SG07 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationSan LawrenzGranted23/09/2022
EP 0122/20/V1SM32 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationImqabbaGranted23/09/2022
EP 0116/20/V1SM41 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationImqabbaGranted23/09/2022
EP 0002/21/V2SM04 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationSiggiewiGranted23/09/2022
EP 0062/20/V1Disused quarry ta’ Furrumu - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationKercemGranted23/09/2022
EP 0094/20/V1Disused quarry tal-Balal - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationNaxxarGranted23/09/2022
EP 0067/20/V1exSM45 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationImqabbaGranted23/09/2022
EP 0061/20/V1Quarry at Xghari Imqalleb - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationImqabbaGranted23/09/2022
EP 0056/20/V1HM05 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationDingliGranted23/09/2022
EP 125/20/V2HM08 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligation?ejtunGranted23/09/2022
EP 0083/20/V1HM13A - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationMelliehaGranted23/09/2022
EP 0029/09/D/V3HM21 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationNaxxarGranted23/09/2022
EP 1310/21/V1HM22 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationNaxxarGranted23/09/2022
EP 0126/20/V2HM23 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationNaxxarGranted23/09/2022
EP 0090/20/V1HM26A - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligation?urrieqGranted23/09/2022
EP 0001/12/V1SM10 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationGharghurGranted23/09/2022
EP 0080/20/V1SM41A - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationImqabbaGranted23/09/2022
EP 0048/20/V1SM51 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationKirkopGranted23/09/2022
EP 0078/20/V1SM49 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationImqabbaGranted23/09/2022
EP 0065/20/V1SM13 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationIklinGranted23/09/2022
EP 0131/20/V1SM44 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationSiggiewiGranted23/09/2022
EP 0072/20/V1SM59 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationImqabbaGranted23/09/2022
EP 1378/21/V1HM01 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationDingliGranted23/09/2022
EP 1409/21/V1SM65 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationImqabbaGranted23/09/2022
EP 0087/20/V2SM66 - To vary permit to include Annual Declaration obligationImqabbaGranted23/09/2022
EP 1331/22Structural stabilisation of pierSan Pawl il-BaharGranted23/09/2022
EP 0015/17extension of existing permit Renewal of EP 0015/17 for AJD Tuna Ltd. Land base for receiving and handling of frozen feed for Tuna Fish Farm by AJD Tuna KordinGranted23/09/2022
EP 0033/17Extension of existing permit for MariFresh International Ltd. Land base for storage of aquaculture related equipment for Tuna Fish Farm by AJD TunaMaghtabGranted23/09/2022
EP 0074/20/V1Application for the variation of EP 0074/20 to extend the stipulated deadline of Improvement Programme Item 6 (Lining of the Ni/Cr and Rotajet pits to be rendered completely impermeable and respective certification by a 3rd party warranted engineer)ZejtunGranted23/09/2022
IP 103/22A new application for the operation of an animal by-product (tuna offal) treatment facility.Hal FarGranted23/09/2022

*indicates post-decision requirements need to be submitted

Decisions taken by the Environment and Resources Directorate

Application NumberProposalLocalityDecisionDecision Date
EP 0103/19/V1Merit Precision Tools Ltd and Merit Malta Ltd - Application for the Variation of EP 0103/19 to change Permit Holder and Company nameXewkijaGranted20/09/2022
EP 1311/22Transplanting of a bay laurel25, Triq il-Brittanja, MostaGranted23/09/2022
EP 1337/22Placing of boulders, signage and seedlings Majjistral Heritage ParkGranted23/09/2022
EP 1342/22Transplanting of trees10, Triq il-Kbira, LijaGranted23/09/2022
EP 1343/22Study on shoreline biotaSimar, Ghadria and SaliniGranted23/09/2022
EP 1354/22Control of Arundo donax and cordoningMajjistralGranted23/09/2022
EP 1361/22Renewal of EP 1294/22: Camping activityCominoGranted23/09/2022
EP 1365/22Xterra swim/run/bike event CominoCominoGranted20/09/2022
EP 01356/22Renewal of EP 01530/21 – Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Diligence’ (IMO: 7944231)n/aGranted22/09/2022
EP 01357/22Renewal of EP 01531/21 – Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Moor’ (IMO: 8830176)n/aGranted22/09/2022
EP 01358/22Renewal of EP 01548/21 – Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Foxtrot’ (Official number: 13593)n/aGranted22/09/2022
EP 01359/22Renewal of EP 01536/21 - Registration of waste carrier vessel ‘Ohio’ (Official number: 14866)n/aGranted22/09/2022
GBR/12/04198/22A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04199/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04203/22A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04205/22A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04209/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04210/22D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04215/22D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04216/22A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04226/22C1 - Sharps/Hospital/Pharmaceutical Wasten/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04227/22C2 - Animal/Plant/Food Wasten/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04228/22D3 - Other Hazardous Waste (including liquid waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04288/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04289/22A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04290/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04291/22A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04292/22A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04293/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04294/22D2 - WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04306/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04362/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04363/22A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04371/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04377/22A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04378/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04379/22A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04380/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04381/22A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04382/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04384/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04385/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04386/22A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04387/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04394/22A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04395/22A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04396/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04445/22A5 - Other Non-Hazardous Wasten/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04446/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aGranted20/09/2022
GBR/12/04012/22A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aRefused20/09/2022
GBR/12/04013/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused20/09/2022
GBR/12/04051/22A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused20/09/2022
GBR/12/04159/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused20/09/2022
GBR/12/04179/22A3 - Restaurants (Canteen waste) and Municipal Wasten/aRefused20/09/2022
GBR/12/04186/22A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused20/09/2022
GBR/12/04229/22A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused20/09/2022
GBR/12/04230/22A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused20/09/2022
GBR/12/04231/22A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused20/09/2022
GBR/12/04232/22A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused20/09/2022
GBR/12/04233/22A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused20/09/2022
GBR/12/04317/22A1 - Construction and Demolition Wasten/aRefused20/09/2022
GBR/12/04318/22A2 - Road Services and Furnituren/aRefused20/09/2022
GBR/12/04319/22A4 - Seperated Waste (including non-hazardous packaging waste)n/aRefused20/09/2022
EPD/A/UC/035/22Propellor Cleaning of Vessel OUED ZIZTerminal 1 north MFTGranted15/09/2022
GB 0001 010036Transit through Malta of lead plates from end-of-life automotive batteries (EWC Code 19 12 11*) from the United Kingdom to Bulgarian/aDismissed19/09/2022
FR2021974025Transit through Malta of waste of aerosols bombs spray (EWC Code 16 05 04*) from Reunion island (France) to Francen/aWithdrawn20/09/2022
FR2021974034Transit through Malta of worn filters (EWC Code 15 02 02*) from Reunion Island (France) to Francen/aWithdrawn20/09/2022
FR2020974080Transit through Malta of crushed glasses of flurescent tubes & lamps with mercury (EWC Code 19 12 11* & 20 01 21*) from Reunion Island (France) to Belgiumn/aWithdrawn20/09/2022
FR2021974029Transit through Malta accumulators filled with liquid acid electrolyte (EWC Code 16 06 01*) from Reunion Island (France) to Francen/aWithdrawn20/09/2022
AUH21-034Transit through Malta of waste acetylene cylinders (EWC Code 15 01 11*) from Austrialia to Germany through Maltan/aGranted23/09/2022
CP1681205 01 03* - tank bottom sludgesAll businesses and commercial users as per Annex 1 to Waste Oils Co. Ltd.Granted23/09/2022
CP1681313 05 02* - sludges from oil/water separatorsAll businesses and commercial users as per Annex 1 to Waste Oils Co. Ltd.Granted23/09/2022
CP1681413 05 07* - oily water from oil/water separatorsAll businesses and commercial users as per Annex 1 to Waste Oils Co. Ltd.Granted23/09/2022
CP1681515 02 02* - absorbents, filter materials (including oil filters not otherwise specified), wiping cloths, protective clothing contaminated by hazardous substancesAll businesses and commercial users as per Annex 1 to Waste Oils Co. Ltd.Granted23/09/2022
CP1681620 01 35* - discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20 01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (1)Pembroke Local Council to Metalco Ltd.Granted23/09/2022