This PR is being issued in relation to recent articles on noise generating activities within Buskett.

ERA would like to inform organisers of activities in Natura 2000 sites, such as il-Buskett, that such activities would require authorisation from ERA before initiating these activities. The ERA is currently setting up a system to handle these activities.

The biodiversity within these areas are afforded varying degrees of protection through national and international legislation. In view of this, a permitting system is in place so as to ensure that activities within these sits do not negatively affect their habitat or species.

The list of Natura 2000 sites and application forms are available on the ERA website and Nature Permitting. Filled in application forms are to be submitted to [email protected] 30 days ahead of any activity. Alternatively, they may be sent by post to Environment Permitting Services, Hexagon House, Spencer Hill, Marsa.​ MRS 1441.