The Programme of Measures​ (PoMs) pursuant to Article 13 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive is geared towards the achievement of ‘Good Environmental Status’ (GES) in Malta’s marine waters in line with the overall objective of the Directive.

The Programme covers both existing and new measures that would contribute to the achievement of GES for each MSFD Descriptor. New measures have been proposed on the basis of the gap analysis which identified the need or otherwise for additional action beyond existing processes. The programme also includes exceptions, in line with Article 14 of the Directive, for cases where Malta deems that GES cannot be achieved.

The development of the Programme of measures is an iterative process and the programmes as reported will be updated on the basis of improved knowledge throughout the MSFD reporting cycles.

The Programme of measures is updated and published every six years.

First Cycle – Malta’s Marine Programme of Measures

Second Cycle – Malta’s Update to the Marine Programme of Measures