The Consignment Permit/Note procedure is a systematic procedure that make sure that movement of waste within the island is done according to the national legislation, ‘’ Regulation 14 of the Waste Regulations, S.L. 549.63,’. ( The Consignment Permit procedure commences by applying for a ‘Consignment Permit (CP)’ through ERA online system which is found in the main menu of the ERA website. The applicant can fill the consignment permit electronically and submit it through the same portal. Following this, the electronic copy is than further processed by our permitting team and the permit is issued within a 2 week period. Following the issuance of the Consignment Permit (CP), the applicant can immediately start to apply for the consignment note (CN). The consignment Note document must be present during the whole waste collection journey and the consignment Note document must be in hand all the time in order to be presented when asked to. That being said, in order to close the loop, the registered waste carrier must hand in the ‘Consignment Note’ to the authorised facility personnel via the online system. It is suggested that all applicants renew their Consignment permit applications at least 2 weeks prior the expiry date, and that a consignment Note is prepared at least 2 days prior pickups. On the other hand it is also important that all vehicles are bearing the correct waste collection badge affixed onto their windscreen followed by a fully renewed Waste Carrier Permit (GBR Permit).
Step 1
Three days before the transfer of waste, the applicant should fill Section A (Consignment Details) and Section B (Description of the Waste) in the Consignment Note (CN).
This should be done through the Waste Consignment Note system by clicking the following link: e-Forms and select the Consignment Note section.
Step 2
On the day of collection the waste carrier collects the waste, and should fill Section C (Carrier’s Certificate) while the applicant should fill Section D (Consignor’s Details) online.
During transportation the carrier collecting waste on behalf of the local council must ensure that the consignment note accompany the transfer of waste.
Step 3
The consignee’s facility, must complete Section E online following confirmation that the waste was properly transferred in full according to the details of the Consignment Notes.
Should any problems arise please send email on [email protected]