PA File No.: PA/04811/19
ERA Reference: GF/00250/07
Project Title: Proposed North Aquaculture Zone intended to relocate tuna farms in the North of Malta for a total biomass of approximately 5,000 tonnes of fish
Location: Sikka il-Bajda, Il-Bahar Mediterran, Mellieha
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
- N/A
EIA Required: Yes
Status: Concluded
EIA Terms of Reference Consultation Period:
28/03/2017 - 18/04/2017
Terms Of Reference:
EIA Report:
Consultation Dates on EIA Report:
07/01/2019 - 06/02/2019
Public Hearing Date:
Public Hearing Time:
Public Hearing Location:
Melea Suite, Maritim Antonine Hotel and Spa, Triq G. Borg Olivier, Mellieha ​
Deadline for Comments:
Minutes of Public Hearing:
ERA’s assessment & recommendation:
Responsible authorities and nature of decisions:
- the authority responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment process: ERA
- the nature of the decisions to be taken: development consent decision
- the authorities responsible for the development consent decisions: Planning Authority