In this section, one can find details of archived public consultations that have been carried out during an EIA process of a particular case. For further information on concluded cases, kindly click here.

Reference No. Project Title Location TOR Consultation Start Date TOR Consultation End Date Review Consultation Start Date Review Consultation End Date
N/A PTM Waste Management Facility HHF 041B, Ħal Far Industrial Estate, Birżebbuġa, Malta 11/10/2024 10/11/2024
PA/06096/23 Proposed Thermal Treatment Facility in the ECOHIVE Complex, including plant building, storage building, administration building, waste water treatment, tank farm and cisterns Site at, ECOHIVE Complex, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar 25/03/2024
PA/04863/22 The proposed construction of a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) for the processing of grey bag and recovery of different streams of materials. The proposal includes ancillary office space, staff quarters and parking spaces. ECOHIVE Complex, Naxxar. 28/02/2023 30/03/2023
PA/00993/23 Construction of an Organic Processing Plant in Malta ECOHIVE Complex, Naxxar. 11/08/2022 17/09/2022 16/04/2023 17/05/2023
PA/04448/22 Construction of the second cable link inter-connector Project. The proposal includes trenching, laying, cable jointing and installation between the Enemalta132kV Maghtab Terminal Station and the near shore approach, construction of underground joint bays, a trench-less transition from onshore to offshore and the laying and protection of the submarine cable up to the median line between Maghtab, Naxxar Malta and Ragusa, Sicily. Maghtab Terminal Station, Naxxar up to the median line between Malta and Italy, Il-Maghtab, Naxxar 03/06/2022 03/07/2022 21/05/2023 20/06/2023
PA/07254/22 Proposed iconic Tourism Complex with a different layout from that approved in permission PA/2478/16. The proposed amendments comprise clusters of serviced apartments [789 in total] with dedicated amenities, 2 Class 3B Hotels [124 Room Hotel & 132 Room Hotel], Class 4A Offices, a Multi-purpose Hall, Class 4B and 4C Retail Shops, Class 4D Food and Beverage facilities and 3 Levels of Parking Spaces. The proposed overall massing ranges from a low lying Hotel of 4 levels beneath street level to 2 iconic towers of 27 and 34 levels respectively. Villa Rosa, Cresta Quay, Dolphin House, Moynihan House, Triq Santu Wistin, ix-Xatt ta' San Gorg and, Triq id-Dragunara, San Giljan. 25/02/2022 27/03/2022 12/03/2023 11/04/2023
PA/05420/21 Amended Application to PA 3134/19 – Construction of Corinthia Oasis – Works include amendments to previous permit – Construction of Hotel and 25 Residences Corinthia Oasis (ex Hal Ferh Complex), Triq il-Kappella Tal-Militar, Triq inNahhalija, Mellieha. 23/02/2022 25/03/2022 03/11/2024 03/12/2024
PA/08471/19 & PA/04783/20 Construction of a berm and revetment including dredging at Valletta Grand Harbour & Construction of new Breakwater arm beneath St. Elmo to offer protection to the Grand Harbour during North Westerly storms Site at Valletta Grand Harbour, Il-Port Il-Kbir, Belt Valletta 04/08/2021 03/09/2021
PA/02106/21 Coastal defence system at Marsalforn Bay consisting of the reconstruction of Santa Marija breakwater, construction of a rubble mound berm on the Menqa site, two rubble mound groins at the valley outfall and replenishment of the beach. Site at, Il-Bajja Ta' Marsalforn, Marsalforn, Zebbug (Gozo) 16/03/2021 17/04/2021 06/10/2024 06/11/2024
PA/04777/20 Proposed demolition of existing hotel at San Niklaw Bay and existing bungalows at Santa Marija Bay. The proposed development consists of part excavation and the construction of Class 3B Hotel (140 beds) at San Niklaw Bay area and individual serviced Bungalows (21 units) at Santa Marija Bay area with ancillary facilities and amenities including Spa (class 3C), bars/lounges (Class 4C) and restaurants (class 4D), upgrading the existing berthing facilities (class 3D); construction of swimming pools; reservoirs; complete upgrade of the infrastructure systems and back of house facilities. Upgrading and reinstatement of the natural ecological and existing disturbed terrain in both San Niklaw and Santa Marija areas in accordance with the Gozo and Comino Local Plan Comino Hotel and Bungalows, Gzira ta' Kemmuna, Kemmuna, Ghajnsielem 04/03/2021 05/04/2021 23/09/2021 25/10/2021
PA/03927/19 Proposed alterations and construction of a water polo and swimming pool, deck area, changing rooms, toilets, showers, committee meeting room and ancillary facilities San Giljan Aquatic Sports Club, Triq Gorg Borg Olivier, San Giljan 09/02/2021 11/03/2021 21/03/2022 19/04/2022
PA/09876/19 and PA/01948/20 Redevelopment of Mellieha Bay Hotel Mellieha Bay Hotel, Triq il-Marfa, Ghadira, Mellieha 07/02/2020 06/03/2020 17/10/2021 16/11/2021
PA/02454/19 Outline application to excavate three floors below existing level, and construction of basement level -3 garage for 380 cars, basement level -2 for storage in conjunction with Pama Supermarket and formation of underground link to existing Pama stores, basement level -1 retail class 4B, ground floor (road level) entrance lobby building and landscaped garden over development and new vehicular entrance to Pama Supermarket from Pantar Road Site at, Triq Pantar, Mosta 06/02/2020 07/03/2020
PA 08969/19 Demolition of existing structures, ramp, gates, rubble and boundary walls. Uprooting and planting trees. Proposed rehabilitation of disused soft stone quarry, including filling of same and landscaping works. Proposed construction of old peoples home ( class 2A ) that comprises of basement (level -1 ), three floors (levels 0,1,2) above ground and roof structures at level 3. The basement level consists of a car park having 137 parking spaces, 6 accessible parking spaces and 1 accessible van space, an unloading/loading area, kitchen, dining areas and ancillary facilities. Level 0 consists of a reception area, lounge, multi purpose hall, accommodation (42-2-bedded guest rooms ) and ancillary facilities. It also includes a wandering garden, other gardens and a parking space, a space for a fire truck and minibuses, ramps leading to the basement level and a security room. Level 1 consists of a staff area, lounge, accommodation ( 42-2- bedded guestrooms) chapel and ancillary facilities. The roof level is an area for services. SM61, Triq il-Belt Valletta, Mqabba 04/02/2020 05/03/2020 07/02/2021 09/03/2021
PA/04576/19 Relocation of kerbside fuel station MRA/KPRS/105 from Pjazza San Nikola – Siggiewi to a site on Triq Mons.Mikiel Azzopardi – Siggiewi and construction of servicing garage at basement, ancillary office and shop Class 4B, car wash, ATM and landscaping at ground floor level. Site on, Triq Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi, Siggiewi 07/01/2020 06/02/2020
PA 07288/19 Mining of ex Luqa Landfill in order to lower the existing levels to prepare site for extension of Industrial estate and new sports facilities. Luqa Park, Triq Valletta, Luqa. 30/10/2019 29/11/2019
PA 02943/19 It is proposed to demolish existing Hotel, Excavate and Construct a new Class 3B Hotel having 400 Rooms, class 3C Gym, class 3D Diving Centre & water sports facilities, class 4B Retail outlets, class 4D bars, class 4D Restaurants & ancillary facilities including an indoor and an outdoor pool, parking area plus multipurpose halls. Ramla Bay Resort, Triq ir-Ramla tal-Bir, Marfa, Mellieha. 18/09/2019 18/10/2019 07/09/2021 06/10/2021
PA/03816/18 Proposed internal addition to existing factory including a Bio. Diesel Production unit and an extension to the existing factory including a Bio. Plant with PV Panels on the roof. HHF29, Hal Far, Qasam Industrijali, Birzebbuga, Malta 06/09/2019 06/10/2019 31/01/2021 03/03/2021
PA 01892/19 & PA 00055/17 To demolish the Go-Exchange building and excavate site to construct and extension to the car park, residential dwellings, retail, hotel and other ancillary facilities. Mercury House Site and Go-Exchange Building, Triq San Gorg, Triq Sant Andrija, Triq Elija Zammit, Triq Gdida, fi Triq Sant' Andrija, San Giljan 05/09/2019 05/10/2019 05/07/2020 05/08/2020
PA 03252/19 Relocation of exisitng Savina fuel station in Victoria, Gozo (License No. MRA/K-PRS26) with a new fuel station in Birzebbuga Malta including car wash, class 4D shop, mechanical Shop, tyre service vulcanizer garage and valeting garage. (Field), Triq Hal Far, Birzebbuga 19/06/2019 18/07/2019 28/03/2021 28/04/2021