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L-Awtorità hija impenjata li tipproteġi d-data personali u l-privatezza tal-pubbliku. Għaldaqstant qed tkun infurmat li meta tagħmel sottomissjonijiet, id-data personali tiegħek ma tiġix żvelata jew ippubblikata sakemm fi żmien tnax (12) -il siegħa tagħti l-kunsens tiegħek lill-Awtorità biex tiżvela d-data personali. B'dana illi f’certu kazijiet l-Awtorità tista', fejn hu meħtieg, tiżvela d-data personali tiegħek biex tikkonforma mal-Liġijiet applikabbli.
The Authority is committed to protect the personal data and privacy of the public in general. You are being informed that when making submissions, your personal data will not be disclosed or published unless within twelve (12) hours you give consent to the Authority to disclose your personal data. Provided that the Authority may disclose your personal data in those cases where it is required to do so, in order to comply with the applicable Laws