PA File No.: PA/07004/23
ERA Reference: EA/00033/24
Project Title: Reconstruction and widening of existing roads including the formation and construction of a new road to link from Zabbar to Smart City Malta
Location: Existing Road & Vegetation Area, Bieb Haz-Zabbar, Triq Kottonera, Birgu, Triq Bormla, Trejqet tal-Fata, Triq l-Ordni ta' San Gwann, p/o Triq Espeditu Catania, p/o Triq Santa Duminka, Triq Bieb is-Sultan, Zabbar, Triq Santa Liberata, Triq San Guzeppi Valerju Abela, Triq il-Missjoni Taljana, Triq Joseph Calleia, Triq il-Kanun tal-Mija, Kalkara
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
Date Uploaded:
EIA Required: No
Status: Concluded
Responsible authorities and nature of decisions:
- the authority responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment process: ERA
- the nature of the decisions to be taken: development consent decision
- the authorities responsible for the development consent decisions: Planning Authority