In accordance with Article 69 of the Environment Protection Act (Cap. 549), the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) has compiled comprehensive lists that include protected areas, habitats and species, as well as lists of detrimental species, and conservation orders. These lists also refer to the respective subsidiary legislation under Cap. 549, ensuring that all relevant information is easily accessible for reference.
The list of protected areas includes a comprehensive list of protected sites, which have been designated to ensure the protection of their biodiversity and natural habitats. The list is compiled based on protected sites in accordance with the provisions of Cap. 549. The list of protected areas can be accessed through this link.
The list of protected habitats includes a diverse range of ecosystems, from terrestrial woodlands and coastal dunes to freshwater and marine habitats. To ensure the protection of these areas, certain sites are designated as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). However, it is important to note that not all habitats listed in Schedule I of the Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations (S.L. 549.44) are automatically protected, as sites must demonstrate a certain degree of ecological significance and contribute to both national and European biodiversity to qualify for designation as SACs. The list of protected habitats can be accessed through this link.
The list of protected species consolidates all species that are afforded legal protection through a comprehensive framework of subsidiary legislation, and it includes terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species. Species protection is subject to the Competent Authority’s opinion on potential damage or adverse effects, and certain exceptions apply as specified in relevant notices, Orders, or Plans. The list of protected species can be accessed through this link.
The groups of protected species list includes certain groups of species, including all endemics (unless explicitly exempted in Schedule X of S.L. 549.44), that are protected in their entirety under the relevant legislation. As defined in S.L. 549.44 (vide Regulation 3), endemic species are defined as those species found in Malta and which are either species of biogeographical importance or species whose native distribution range is limited to Malta only or to the Central Mediterranean region only. Â This region includes Sicily and circum-Sicilian islands (including Pantelleria and the Pelagian Islands), the Maltese Islands and islands off Tunisia. Such endemic species also include potentially endemic species whose taxonomic status or identity requires further analysis. The groups of protected species list can be accessed through this link.
The list of species detrimental to the environment includes a variety of trees, shrubs, plants, animals and algae that are legally prohibited. These species include invasive, alien or environmentally incompatible species. The list of species detrimental to the environment can be accessed through this link.
The list of conservation orders includes a list of Government Notices through which conservation orders have been established to safeguard areas of ecological and scientific importance such as national and international SACs. Conservation orders provide legally binding measures to ensure the protection and management of habitats and species within these designated sites. The list of conservation orders can be accessed through this link.
Links to biodiversity registers:
- List of protected areas
- List of protected habitats
- List of protected species
- Groups of protected species
- List of detrimental species
- List of conservation orders
Links to relevant legislation:
- Fungus Rock (il-Ä ebla tal-Ä eneral) Nature Reserve Regulations (S.L. 549.01)
- Reptiles (Protection) Regulations (549.02)
- Selmunett Islands (St. Paul Islands) Nature Reserve Regulations (S.L. 549.03)
- Marine Mammals Protection Regulations (S.L. 549.35)
- Conservation of Wild Birds Regulations (S.L. 549.42)
- Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations (S.L. 549.44)
- Establishment of the Park Nazzjonali tal-Inwadar (S.L. 519.109)
- Control of Invasive Alien Species of European Union Concern Regulations (S.L. 549.119)
- Species Protection (Designation of National Species) Regulations (S.L. 549.120)
- Trees and Woodlands Protection Regulations (S.L. 549.123)​​​​
Links to relevant Government Notices:
- G.N. 797 of 2024: Conservation Order: IÄ‹-ÄŠittadella
- G.N. 399 of 2024: Special Areas of Conservation – Sites of National Importance
- G.N. 226 of 2021: Għadira s-Safra u l-Iskoll tal-Għallis Protection Notice
- G.N. 34 of 2021: Wied il-Fiddien & Wied il-Qlejgħa Protection Notice
- G.N. 1522 of 2019: Special Areas of Conservation – Sites of International Importance
- G.N. 1476 of 2019: The Solution Subsidence Structure in Tal-Mensija
- G.N. 682 of 2018: Special Areas of Conservations – Sites of International Importance
- G.N. 316 of 2017: Declaration of Tree Protection Areas
- G.N. 1379 of 2016: Special Areas of Conservation of International Importance and Special Protection Areas
- G.N. 1378 of 2016: Conservation Order – Il-Gżejjer ta’ San Pawl (Selmunett)
- G.N. 1377 of 2016: Conservation Order – Filfla u l-Gżejjer ta’ Madwarha
- G.N. 1375 of 2016: Conservation Order – Għar Dalam (l/o Birżebbuġa)
- G.N. 1374 of 2016: Conservation Order – Ix-Xagħra tal-Kortin
- G.N. 1373 of 2016: Conservation Order – L-Għadira s-Safra
- G.N. 1372 of 2016: Conservation Order – Il-Maqluba (limiti tal-Qrendi)
- G.N. 1371 of 2016: Conservation Order – L-Inħawi ta’ Għajn Barrani
- G.N. 473 of 2011: Tree Protection Areas