PA File No.: PA 08969/19
ERA Reference: EA 00064/19
Project Title: Demolition of existing structures, ramp, gates, rubble and boundary walls. Uprooting and planting trees. Proposed rehabilitation of disused soft stone quarry, including filling of same and landscaping works. Proposed construction of old peoples home ( class 2A ) that comprises of basement (level -1 ), three floors (levels 0,1,2) above ground and roof structures at level 3. The basement level consists of a car park having 137 parking spaces, 6 accessible parking spaces and 1 accessible van space, an unloading/loading area, kitchen, dining areas and ancillary facilities. Level 0 consists of a reception area, lounge, multi purpose hall, accommodation (42-2-bedded guest rooms ) and ancillary facilities. It also includes a wandering garden, other gardens and a parking space, a space for a fire truck and minibuses, ramps leading to the basement level and a security room. Level 1 consists of a staff area, lounge, accommodation ( 42-2- bedded guestrooms) chapel and ancillary facilities. The roof level is an area for services.
Location: SM61, Triq il-Belt Valletta, Mqabba
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
EIA Required: Yes
Status: Concluded
EIA Terms of Reference Consultation Period:
04/02/2020 - 05/03/2020
Comments received during consultation:
Terms Of Reference:
EIA Report:
Consultation Dates on EIA Report:
07/02/2021 - 09/03/2021
Comments received during consultation:
Public Hearing Date:
Public Hearing Time:
Public Hearing Location:
Online via registration
Deadline for Comments:
Minutes of Public Hearing:
Board Decision in Public Date:
Board Decision in Public Time:
Board Decision in Public Location:
MEMO to ERA Board:
ERA’s Assessment & Recommendation:
Date Uploaded:
Responsible authorities and nature of decisions:
- the authority responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment process: ERA
- the nature of the decisions to be taken: development consent decision
- the authorities responsible for the development consent decisions: Planning Authority