PA File No.: PA/02478/16 & PA/06072/22
ERA Reference: EA/00038/16
Project Title: Demolition of all existing buildings forming part of St. George’s Bay Hotel and ancillary facilities, Dolphin House, Moynihan House and Cresta Quay. Construction of Parking facilities, Hotels and ancillary facilities, Commercial Area, Multi Ownership holiday accommodation, Bungalows, Language school with accommodation and Lagoon. Restoration of the Villa Rosa and upgrading of the facilities including parking facility, kitchen and toilets all below existing site levels within the Villa Rosa Area to address catering facilities/wedding hall.
Location: St. George's Bay Hotel, and Cresta Quay, Ix-Xatt Ta' San Gorg, San Giljan, Malta​
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
Status: Concluded
EIA Terms of Reference Consultation Period:
20/08/2013 - 10/09/2013
Terms Of Reference:
EIA Report:
- Non-Technical Summary
- Coordinated Assessment Volume A
- Coordinated Assessment Volume B
- Coordinated Assessment Volume C
- Coordinated Assessment Drawings
- Photomontage 1
- Photomontage 2
- Photomontage 3
- Photomontage 4
- Photomontage 5
- Photomontage 6
- Photomontage 7
- Photomontage 8
- Photomontage 9
- Photomontage 10
- Photomontage 11
- Photomontage 12
- Coordinated Assessment - Summary of Impacts
- Coordinated Assessment - Comments & Responses
- Appendix - TORs
- Appendix - Section A
- Appendix - Section B
- Appendix - Section C
- Appendix - Section D
- Appendix - Building Services Report
- Appendix - Restoration Method Statement
Responsible authorities and nature of decisions:
- the authority responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment process: ERA
- the nature of the decisions to be taken: development consent decision
- the authorities responsible for the development consent decisions: Planning Authority