Reference No. Project Title Location
PA/09407/17 Development of Manoel Island comprising of a mixed use development incorporating residential, commercial and leisure facilities which will, in part, overlie subterranean parking facilities; upgrading of the existing marina including the installation of a floating breakwater; sports facilities for the local community; public amenities; a hospitality offering and a Centre for the Arts and Culture. The proposal includes the restoration, adaptive re-use and inclusion of the cultural heritage buildings and identified archaeological sites which will form an integral part of the development. The proposal also includes the development of large public open spaces, comprising predominantly of softscapes and hardscaped open areas, piazzas, streets, promenades and the regeneration of the glacis park around Fort Manoel. These public open spaces will make up a large proportion of the project’s footprint. The proposal also contemplates the development of a new bridge from Triq ix-Xatt onto Manoel Island and the dredging and widening of the channel between Manoel Island and the Gzira mainland to aide sea water circulation and seacraft access around the island. The development incorporates the restoration and re-use of part of the existing bridge to become a belvedere point. ​​Manoel Island, Gżira, Malta
PA/03592/16 To demolish pre 1978 existing dwelling and to construct an aging and disability residence (class 2) on disturbed land, according to SPED policy TO 2.1 Site at Gharghur Road, Sqaq L-Imnieqa, Naxxar, Malta