PA File No.: PA/01029/18
ERA Reference: EA/00008/18
Project Title: Excavation of site to sea level and construction of mixed use development consisting of the following elements: Underground car park on three levels, a commercial complex ( including Class 4B, 4C , 4D) over two partially below ground levels and with a frontage onto the existing Laguna Walk, an elevated residents plaza with communal pool and landscaping, and an overlying residential complex on eleven floors
Location: Plots 3 & 4, Smart City, Ricasoli, Kalkara, Malta​
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
EIA Required: Yes
Status: Concluded
EIA Terms of Reference Consultation Period:
19/02/2018 - 21/03/2018
Terms Of Reference:
EIA Report:
Consultation Dates on EIA Report:
29/05/2018 - 28/06/2018
ERA’s assessment & recommendation: