PA File No.: PA/01103/18
ERA Reference: EA/00075/18
Project Title: Excavation of trenches for the laying of pipework and cables for the new water distribution system. To include the installation of water dispensers along the routes.
Location: Various Roads at, Tal-Bidni, Habel l-Abjad, Tas-Silg, Xghajra, San Anard, Sant'Antnin, M'Xlokk, Zabbar Zabbar, Xghajra, San Anard, Sant'Antnin, Zabbar, M'Scala, Xghajra, M'Xlokk, Bulebel, Zejtun, Malta
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
EIA Required: No
Status: Concluded
ERA’s assessment & recommendation:
- vide EIA screening report