Reference No. Project Title Location EIA Required
PA/05665/18 To extend hard stone quarry G12 for the extraction of rock to a depth of 5m above M.S.L. Quarry G12, Ta' Klement, Qala, Gozo
PA/01304/20 Sanctioning of existing structures and aggregate spaces (including stone crusher, weighing scale, pre-1967 structure and area used for stockpiling of materials). To propose an extension to stores approved by virtue of PA 2530/04 and construction of office space. Road Servicing Ltd, Triq il-Hwawar ta, Ix-Xwieki, Iklin No
PA/00316/22 Proposed areas designated for stockpiling, storage and crushing of stone at a softstone quarry. Quarry at, Il-Bur Ta' Dingli, Kirkop
PA/02673/21 Sanctioning of batching plant and manufacturing of precast concrete elements, warehouse, landscaping including pond, workers rest rooms, basement and kitchen as built over PA6516/06. Change of use of cloakroom into workers canteen, worker rest into storage room. Construction of additional workers rest rooms J Micallef Buildings Ltd, Triq Dun Guzepp Demicoli, Ghaxaq No
PA/00543/20 To sanction back-filling of inert material at Quarry No.6, sanctioning of structures partly developed prior to 1978 and use of site as an open storage facility. Proposal includes landscaping and other ancillary works. Quarry No 6, Sqaq Haramija off, Triq Bur ix-Xewk, Siggiewi No
PA 01077/21 To include batching process on site to utilize material processed on site including demolition of existing legal structures, modifications to approved landscaping scheme, including other proposed ancillary works/machinery Xendent Yard, Tal-Ibragg off, Triq tal-Ibrag, Swieqi No
PA/00350/22 Proposed recycling activity including the execution of crushing on site and stock piling. Proposal also includes the construction of garages for the parking of construction vehicles underground reservoir and cesspit. Quarry No. 48/38, Triq it-Torri Vincenti, Mqabba No
PA/08047/20 To remove scrap material from disused quarry and to convert same into a construction waste recycling facility (class 5B) including installation of vehicle crushers, weigh bridge, construction of offices (class 4A) and sites for recycling materials, infilling of part of quarry with construction waste, deposition of soil on construction waste to convert to agricultural land, to erect greenhouses and underlying reservoir and place PV panels on roofs. Hardstone Quarry, QH4A, Tal-Palma, Triq Rih il-Barriera, Mgarr No
PA/00392/21 Conversion of disused quarry into a shooting range facility. Development at level 0 includes provision for 73 car spaces and construction of club house for members and classroom for tuition and construction of store plus four shooting bays at level -1 Site at (disused quarry), Triq ta l-Ghaqba a.k.a., Il-Bur Ta' L-Ghaqba, Siggiewi. No
PA/06976/21 Proposed reallocation of tarmac and concrete batching plant (as approved by DN/529/20). Proposed works include the construction of ancillary offices and vehicular storage facilities. (Site is currently being backfilled – backfilling is covered by EP/0107/20) Quarry no. Ex SM22, Ix-Xaghri L-Imqalleb, Mqabba
PA/04712/20 Proposed installation of photovoltaic farm infrastructure over restored quarry including ancillary services. Tal-Hagra, Triq Tas-Sejba c/w, Triq il-Madonna tal-Gilju, Mqabba No
PA/06491/20 To set up a manufacturing plant to process recovered construction related materials into various recycled products to be used in the construction industry in line with approved permit PA 5552/18 (Amendments to PA 1628/15 to include a phasing-out plan for its restoration, i.e. recycling of construction and demolition waste, to a period of 25 years. Application to include meter room.) Quarry, Ta' Sant Agata sive Ta' Sgamardi, Sqaq tad-Debbiet, Sqaq Ta' Sant Agata, Tad-Debbiet, Siggiewi No
PA/00418/20 Change of use from disused quarry to Class 6A; open storage. Works include the demolition of the existing store and the construction of a new store, the provision of 16 parking spaces, and the introduction of reservoir and soft landscaping within the site extents. Proposal also includes part excavation of site to form underground garage for vehicle maintenance with landscaping on top and the construction of cesspit. Site at, Tad-Debbiet, Siggiewi No
PA/03961/20 To rehabilitate existing area and carry out vertical and horizontal extensions to existing quarry. Site at (Quarry), Triq Qattara, San Lawrenz No
PA/08763/19 Extension to existing quarry. San Lawrenz, Gozo 'Ta Slima', Dahla Ta' Felici, San Lawrenz
PA/05246/20 To sanction removal of soil and rubble walls. To extend the existing quarry (horizontally) to the same level of existing quarry 60.00m above MSL and restoration of same quarry in phases. Quarry No 71, Triq ta' Wied Ħanżir, Siġġiewi
PA/07916/20 Construction of a batching plant to reclaim a disused quarry including part sanctioning. Site at: Bonello, Off Triq Tas-Sejba,Tal-Madorba, Tas-Sejba, Mqabba No
PA/03786/20 Installation of solar farm, proposal includes: back filling of part of the quarry, construction of part of boundary wall and installation of pv panels. 82A, Triq ta' Wied Hanzir, Siggiewi No
PA/08500/21 Proposed garden centre including ancillary class 4D cafeteria, tree nurseries and kennel at level +0, visitor parking and groomer at level -1, ancillary stores at level -2 and infilling of quarry. Tas-Sejba Recycling Plant, Triq tas-Sejba, Triq il-Parrocca, Sqaq Nru. 1, Mqabba No
PA/08731/18 To sanction replacement of dangerous perimeter wall (original height retained) and proposed replacement of roof over pre-1967 structure. Garages approved by PA 00382/10 to be constructed at a higher level following backfilling by inert material as per police licence condition. PA 04020/16 is being rendered obsolete with this development application. Quarry No. 32, Sqaq Nru. 3, Triq Valletta, Mqabba, Malta