PA File No.: PA/05334/17
ERA Reference: EA/00034/18
Project Title: To excavate trenches for the laying of pipework to deliver recycled water, and installation of water dispensers through Il-Mizieb, Ix-Xaghra l-Hamra, Il-Mejjieli,Triq il-Wilga, Triq il-Biebja, Triq San Pawl il-Bahar, Tal-Argentier, Il-Habel L-Iswed (Mellieha); Limiti tal-Imbordin, Ghajn Astas, Triq S Martin (San Pawl il-Bahar); Il-Ballut, L-Iskurvit, Tas-Santi, Triq tat-Taqsis, Sqaq Randun, Triq tal-Armagg, Triq in-Nicca (Mgarr)
Location: Site at Various rural streets, from Il-Mizieb, Mellieha through San Pawl il-Bahar to, Bingemma, Mgarr, Malta
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
Status: Concluded
ERA’s assessment & recommendation:
- vide EIA screening report
Responsible authorities and nature of decisions:
- the authority responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment process: ERA
- the nature of the decisions to be taken: development consent decision
- the authorities responsible for the development consent decisions: Planning Authority