National Environmental Policies

National Environmental Policies

​One of the ways with which ERA protects and manages the environment is through the formulation and implementation of national policies.

Plans or policies serve as a framework to guide environmental protection initiatives and are often developed to support legislation. These include Strategies, Plans, Programmes and Guidance Documents. The policy development process provides the public with a number of opportunities to review and provide feedback on draft plans or policies which are being developed. Policies for public consultation may be found here, while archived public consultations may be found here. Having your say in the development of environmental policies is your right​ and helps ERA make better policy.

Below is a list of national policy documents developed and carried forward by ERA.

Theme​Title​Approval Date
​Ambient Air QualityAir Quality Plan for the Maltese Islands2010
​Ambient Air Quality​National Air Pollution Control Programme (NAPCP)​2020
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​Il-Park Nazzjonali tal-Inwadar - Five Year Management Plan2024
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​The Protected & Alien Trees in Malta – An Identification Guide2024
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to 20302024
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ ​Malta National Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan 2012 - 20202012
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ Localities with conservation value in the Maltese Islands 1987
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ Common species use​d for landscaping in the Maltese Islands2009
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ ​Management Plans for Terrestrial Natura 2000 Sites in Malta & Gozo2017
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ Red data book for the Maltese Islands1989
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ Dossier on wild fauna in the Maltese Islands: Capture, killing and exploitation2011
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ Guidelines on trees, shrubs and plants for planting and landscaping in the Maltese Islands 2002
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ ​Guidelines on Works involving Trees2019
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ National Strategy for Preventing and Mitigating the Impact of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in the Maltese Islands2020
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ Action Plan Addressing Escape From Confinement of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) of Union Concern (Pets, Aquaria and Terrarium species)2020
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ Guidelines on managing n​on-native plant invaders and restoring native plant communities in terrestrial settings in the Maltese Islands2013
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ Cod​e​​ of conduct: Horticulture and invasive alien plants2011
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ National Codes of Good Practice on Invasive Alien Species - Pets2020
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ National Codes of Good Practice on Invasive Alien Species - Fishing2020
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ National Codes of Good Practice on Invasive Alien Species - Gardens2020
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ National Codes of Good Practice on Invasive Alien Species - Horticulture2020
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ National Codes of Good Practice on Invasive Alien Species - Landscaping2020
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ National Codes of Good Practice on Invasive Alien Species - Zoos & Aquaria2020
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ National Codes of Good Practice on Invasive Alien Species - Animal-Aided Hunting2020
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ National Codes of Good Practice on Invasive Alien Species - Protected Areas2020
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ G​reen Infrastructure – Information Document (2019)2019
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ Green Paper on Greening Buildings in Malta: Initiatives for Green Walls and Roofs for Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Buildings2021
​​​Biodiversity & Nature​ ​ Conservation Objectives and Measures for Malta’s Marine Natura 2000 sites2023
​Environmental NoiseUpdated Noise Action Plan2023
​Environmental Noise​Noise Action Plan2013
Environmental Permitting​Operating Procedures on Beach Cleaning2017​​​
State of the Environment State of the Environment Reports
​​Water ​ ​​River Basin Management Plan2024
​​Water ​ ​Assessment of Environmental Status and Determination of Good Environmental Status & Environmental Targets for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive2013
​​Water ​ ​​Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC): Malta's Programme of Measures Summary Report2023
WaterConservation Objectives and Measures for Malta’s Marine Natura 2000 sites2023
WaterMarine Monitoring Programme pursuant to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive2023
​Waste Management ​Long Term Waste Management Plan 2021 – 20302021
​Waste Management ​​Terms of Reference for the Management and Disposal of Dredged Material 2020
​Waste Management ​Single-Use Plastic Products Strategy for Malta 2021-20302021
​Waste Management ​Construction and Demolition Waste Strategy for Malta, 2021-2030 – Managing Construction & Demolition Resources2021