PA File No.: PA/05491/16 & PA/05943/19 & PA/08866/20
ERA Reference: EA/00031/18
Project Title: Centre Parc, Mixed-Use Complex
Location: Triq Hal-Qormi c/w, Triq it-Tigrija, Qormi
Project Description Statement:
EIA Screening Report:
Status: Concluded
Terms Of Reference:
Other Documents:
Revised Project Description Statement:
Revised EIA Screening Report:
EIA Required: No
Status: Concluded
ERA’s Assessment & Recommendation:
Submissions: Submissions
ERA Reply: ERA Reply
Responsible authorities and nature of decisions:
- the authority responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment process: ERA
- the nature of the decisions to be taken: development consent decision
- the authorities responsible for the development consent decisions: Planning Authority
PA/05491/16 - To excavate site, construct 2 levels of underground parking, construct level of retail and DIY space with ancillary facilities and construct receded first floor of retail space and offices (Class 4A & 4B). The proposal includes road widening works as instructed by Transport Malta as well as demolition of existing farmhouse affected by road widening works, conservation of archaeological remains and relocation of historic building as instructed by SCH. To sanction extra excavations from that approved in PA 5444/16.
PA/05493/19 - To carry out modifications to permit PA 5491/16 as follows:- Level -2 - proposed alterations and part sanctioning of floor, Level -1 - proposed alterations and part sanctioning of floor, Level 0 - proposed alterations to facade and internal walls and part sanctioning of floor, Level 1 - proposed internal and facade alterations, erection of screens to conceal services and proposed re-configuration of parking area, Level 2 - proposed extension of lifts and staircases, proposed erection of screens to conceal services, proposed minor shifting of location of farmhouse and erection of signs on facade. Proposed gaming parlour at Level 0 and offices at Level 1.
PA/08866/20 - Centre Parc - Phase 2 - proposed extension to approved commercial complex approved in PA5491/16. Construction of supermarket at level 2, retail outlets class 4B at level 3, car park on two levels, ramp to car park and leisure and sports area at roof level. Additional landscaping works at existing roof level. Change of use of approved car park at level 1 to class 4D establishments. Shifting of location of totem and proposed signage.