PA/02470/16 - Demolition of existing dwellings and construction of phase one of comprehensive project including excavation and construction of underground parking, site at: Triq Santu Wistin /, Triq Sant Andrija, San Giljan, Malta
PA/06097/20 - Construction of phase 2 of comprehensive development (making use of FAR policy for tall buildings), following approval of PC 81/18, including 4 basement levels of parking facilities, Class 4B and Class 4D activities at lower levels -2 and -1, entrance lobbies at level 0, overlying Class 4A offices spread over 11 floors, Class 4D outlets and MEP services at mid-height, class 3B hotel spread over 2 floors and overlying serviced apartments ancillary to the said 3B spread over 12 floors, ancillary uses and MEP services at the topmost levels, site at: Harruba 1 & 2, Garages 5 & 6, Triq Santu Wistin and 5, 9, 10, 11, Triq Elija Zammit, San Giljan
- the authority responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment process: ERA
- the nature of the decisions to be taken: development consent decision
- the authorities responsible for the development consent decisions: Planning Authority
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