PA File No.: PA/03913/18
ERA Reference: EA/00044/18
Project Title: Change of use of residential (Class 1) blocks A (height of eight floors plus receded) and B (height of eleven floors plus receded) and part of the retail element (Class 4b) at ground floor (all as approved in PA06252/17) to offices (Class 4a) including internal alterations, and changes to the façade.
Location: Fortina SPA Resort, Ix-Xatt Ta' Tigne &, Triq Censu Xerri, Sliema
Project Description Statement:
Status: Concluded
ERA’s assessment & recommendation:
PA/01161/22 (TRK259934): Proposed internal layout changes to the residential, retail and tourism components of the project approved in PA/06252/17 and PA/03913/18; proposed change of use of approved Class 4c Cafeteria at ground floor and five approved residential units at First Floor to an interconnected Class 4b Retail unit; proposed extensions at Levels 14 and 15 and construction of two additional floors in the residential block through the utilisation of the Total Developable Floor Area Ratio Floorspace established in PA/06252/17. Proposed integration of the landscaped area around St Luke’s Garisson Chapel and the vacant plot between the chapel and the MIDI project into the overall Public Open Space of the development including the removal of the high wall separating the sites and the construction of interconnecting staircases. Site at, Fortina SPA Resort & around St. Luke's Garisson Chapel, Ix-Xatt Ta' Tigne &, Triq Censu Xerri, Sliema.
Project Description Statement: Schedule II - PDS
ERA Correspondence: ERA Correspondence re TRK259934 (PA/01161/22)
Responsible authorities and nature of decisions:
- the authority responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment process: ERA
- the nature of the decisions to be taken: development consent decision
- the authorities responsible for the development consent decisions: Planning Authority